Sovereignty with depth.
Commercial law firm specialising in scientifically established legal expertise. Personal, practical and globally connected.

Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey

Manuel Jansen

Certified lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Volker Ekey

Certified lawyer for labour and employment law
Certified lawyer for intellectual property law

Ludwig Weber

Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey

Lawyer Volker Ekey

Certified lawyer for labour and employment
Certified lawyer for intellectual property

Manuel Jansen

Certified lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Ludwig Weber


Fields of Law

Commercial and Corporate Law

Labour Law

Trade Mark Law

Distribution and Franchise Law

Competition and Antitrust Law

Civil and Contract Law

Tenancy and Property Law

Patent, Design and Copyright Law

IT and Telecommunications Law

Insolvency Law

Inheritance Law

Data Protection Law

Commercial and Corporate Law

Labour Law

Distribution and Franchise Law

Trade Mark Law

Competition and Antitrust Law

Civil and Contract Law

Tenancy and Property Law

Patent, Design and Copyright Law

IT and Telecommuni-cations Law

Insolvency Law

Inheritance Law

Data Protection Law


We base our legal consulting on scientifically sound legal knowledge.
We also make this legal expertise accessible to the public in articles and books.



Ars Legis (Hrsg.)

Das Recht der Kapitalgesellschaften in Europa – 20 Staaten im Überblick 

("Rights of Propriety Companies in Europe - 20 countries at a glance”) 

1st edition 2007,
402 pages, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-87081-527-1
Economica Verlag - Heidelberg

In the uniting Europe, economies are growing together most quickly. Trade and settling of companies takes place across borders, often not only in a bilateral but in multilateral ways. Companies should keep track with the valid conditions in each country, since apart from tax law the company law may differ and, in comparison to Germany, some countries show simplified regulations. The authors are experts from the particular countries.

A quick approach for jurists, managers, firm owners and firm founders.

Book review
Anwalt Aktuell, Juni 2007, S. 31
"Das Recht der Kapitalgesellschaften in Europa - 20 Staaten im Überblick"
("Rights of Propriety Companies in Europe - 20 countries at a glance")


Was ist verboten - was ist erlaubt?
("What is forbidden - what is allowed?”)

Heidelberger Kommentar zum Wettbewerbsrecht

Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, lawyer and lecturer at RFH Köln,
Prof. Dr. Diethelm Klippel,
Dr. Jost Kotthoff, lawyer,
Dr. Astrid Meckel, Regional Court judge,
Dr. Gunda Plaß, Regional Court judge,
In co-operation with Franziska Kramer, lawyer,
and Manuel Jansen, lawyer

Second revised edition 2005
1366 pages, hardcover
ISBN 3-8114-3053-X
C.F. Müller

Extracts from the information booklet

The revised form of the Law Against Unfair Competition sees a continuation of the liberalisation of the Competition Law. Crucial points of the reform are the increase of consumer protection, the abolition of the ban for special events through the omission of regulations for seasonal sales, jubilee sales and closing down sales, the introduction of the right to levy profits for anticompetitive actions and the regimentation of cold calls. Not only the numerous improvements but also the revised systematics of the law lead to an increased need of information for everyone concerned with this matter.

This book offers a quick and comprehensive overview of the matter through its clear structure and practical comments which help the reader find solutions quickly.

Firstly, the authors provide a good outline of the historical basis of the Law Against Unfair Competition and its development. They then explain the system of the Competition Law within the legal order, the law regarding unfair competition in Europe and competition within the public sector. The comments about the law against unfair competition concentrate on the most important judiciary case law, legal procedures and references to foreign competition laws. Price regulation is also thoroughly explained. Due to the increasing importance of foreign legal systems, a separate chapter is devoted to them. It contains an overall view of competition laws in many different countries, including China and the USA as well as the European countries.

The appendix includes relevant directives, wording of the law, pamphlets etc. as well as an alphabetical table of cases with an index.

Book reviews

Book reviews to the previous edition

WRP ("Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis”) 2000, Seite 563

"Ein neuer Kommentar im Wettbewerbsrecht" ("A new commentary on competition law”)

NJW ("Neue Juristische Wochenzeitschrift") 2000, Seite 2334 f

"Heidelberger Kommentar zum Wettbewerbsrecht" ("Heidelberg Commentary on Competition Law”)


Markengesetz, UMV und Markenrecht ausgewählter ausländischer Staaten - Heidelberger Kommentar zum Markenrecht

("Trademark Act and Trademark Law of certain foreign countries - Heidelberg Commentary on Trademark Law")

Edited by

Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, lawyer and lecturer at Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln (editor)
Prof. Dr. Diethelm Klippel (editor)
Achim Bender, chief judge at BPatG (editor)

4., new edited edition 2020
XXII, 1.780 pages, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-8114-5810-9

Information of H.J.R./C.F. Müller


Information about the book

The book contains the commentary on the Trade Mark Act taking into account the legal amendments, etc. This is followed by a systematic explanation of the European Trade Mark Regulation as well as the trade mark laws of selected foreign countries. The commentary begins with a brief overview of trade mark law and its integration into the legal system. The commentary on the Trade Mark Act is clearly structured and provides a comprehensive overview that covers the full range of case law. The influence of European law and the relationship of the Trade Mark Act to protection under trade mark law provided by the TRIPS Agreement are also explained. In chapter two, the European Trade Mark Regulation is presented in detail, whereas chapter three offers an overview of trade mark law in various European states, but also in China, Japan, Russia and the USA.


Press commentaries:

  • "With its German Trademark Law and the Community Trademark Regulation in one book, the Heidelberg Commentary exceeds other works by far”
    Solicitor Michael Schinagl in: 12/2005
  • "… it is to be emphasised that, in this book, the commentary on CTMR by Bender and von Kapff in its completeness and minuteness represents an unprecedented source of information concerning the legal practice of community trademark law…”
    Professor Dr. Annette Kur, research assistant at the MPI Munich, in: GRUR Internationaler Teil 8-9/2003
  • "a masterly achievement, which, in any case, has deserved a wide range of readers and will get it too."
    Professor Dr. Thomas Hoeren, Münster, in: MMR 9/2003
  • "The Heidelberg Commentary provides information for many areas of the German Trademark Law. It should be used even by trademark law specialists."
    Dr. Helmut Eichmann / Dr. Maximilian Kinkeldey, lawyers, in: GRUR 9/2003
  • "All in all, the new Heidelberg Commentary represents a considerable enrichment for the trademark law practitioner; it not only offers quick help for orientation and decisions for daily work, but it is also a crucial basis for staying up-to-date with the lively development of community trademark law."
    Solicitor Holger Grauel in: Markenartikel 3/2003
  • "You don’t need to be a prophet to predict that this work will become the standard commentary on trademark law."
    Professor Dr. Joachim Gruber D.E.A. in: Berliner Anwaltsblatt 4/2003
Book reviews
MarkenR 2009. 359: "Rezension Sosnitza, MarkenR 2009, 360" ("Review Sosnitza")

MMR 06/2009: "Rezension RA Holger Grauel, Köln, MMR 062009" ("Review Solicitor Holger Grauel")

WRP - Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis - 05/2009: "Besprechung von Patentanwalt Dipl.-Phys. Braitmayer aus der Zeitschrift Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis, WRP, 2009, 648" ("Review by patent agent Dipl.-Phys. Braitmayer from the magazine Competition in Law and Practice")

NJW 2003, 1719: "Heidelberger Kommentar zum Markenrecht, Buchbesprechung von Herrn Vorsitzender Richter am OLG Jürgen Dembowski, Frankfurt" ("Heidelberg Commentary on Trademark Law, book review by Jürgen Dembrowski, Chief Judge at the Higher Regional Court, Frankfurt")

MarkenR 2003, 222: "Heidelberger Kommentar zum Markenrecht, Besprechung von Herrn Rechtsanwalt Holger Grauel, Köln" ("Heidelberg Commentary on Trademark Law, review by Holger Grauel, lawyer, Cologne")

Grundriss des Wettbewerbs- und Kartellrechts 

("Compendium of Competition and Anti-Trust Law")

Including characteristics of trademark, domain and telecommunication law

In co-operation with

Dr. jur. Ralf Schneider, lecturer at Europa-Institut, department for law, Universität des Saarlandes (SaarlandUniversity)
Manuel Jansen, lawyer, Cologn

5th edition 2016, 246 pages, softcover
Serial: C.F. Müller Start
ISBN 978-3-8114-4448-5
C.F. Müller


Book review

Fachschaftsvertretung Jura der FAU Erlangen - November 2004: "Friedrich L. Ekey: Grundriss des Wettbewerbs- und Kartellrechts" ("Friedrich L. Ekey: A Compendium of Competition and Anti-Trust Law")

Zeitschrift "Studium" (Lange-Verlag Düsseldorf), Nr. 79, WS 06/07: "Friedrich L. Ekey: Grundriss des Wettbewerbs- und Kartellrechts"

Buchbesprechung 2008: "Friedrich L. Ekey: Grundriss des Wettbewerbs- und Kartellrechts"

Buchbesprechung 2008 - 'Der kleine Advokaat - Juli 2008': "Friedrich L. Ekey: Grundriss des Wettbewerbs- und Kartellrechts"

Buchbesprechung 2009 - 'Jurawelt - April 2009': "Friedrich L. Ekey: Grundriss des Wettbewerbs- und Kartellrechts"

Die Verminderung von Eigentümerrechten im Spannungsfeld zwischen Art. 14 I S.1 GG und Art. 14 I S.2 GG

("The decrease of ownership rights within the conflicting area of Article 14 Sentence 1 Basic Constitutional Law and Article 14 Sentence 2 Basic Constitutional Law”)

By Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, lawyer.

Munich 1988

ISBN 3-88259-563-9

278 pages


DACH Publication Series 46 06/2016

"Implementierung eines Compliance Systems in einem KMU nach deutschem Recht" ("Implementation of a Compliance System in an SME in accordance with German law").

Derleyen (Hrsg.)

Internationale Symposien zu aktuellen Entwicklungen im türkischen und deutschen Markenrecht und zum türkischen und deutschen Konzernrecht
("International symposia on current developments in Turkish and German trademark law and on Turkish and German corporate law")

German/Turkish, Istanbul 2015
ISBN 978-605-87108-3-2

MarkenR Heft 03/2013, 93
"Verwendung v. fremden Marken als Schlüssel f. Suchmaschinenwerbung." ("Use of third-party brands as a key for search engine advertising ")

DACH Schriftenreihe 37 11/2011
"Gewerbliche Schutzrechte" 
("Intellectual Property Rights")

MarkenR Heft 10/2009, 475
"Der markenrechtliche Gebrauch im Spannungsfeld der Rechtsprechung des EuGH nach L'Oréal" ("The use of trademarks in the area of tension of the case law of the ECJ according to L'Oréal")

Zeitschrift Deutsches Steuerrecht Heft 02/2007, 87
"Zur Haftung des Treuhänders von Kapitalanlegern als vollmachtloser Vertreter in sog. Altfällen." ("To the liability of the trustee of capital investors as a representative without power of attorney in so-called old cases.")

MMR Heft 10/2002, 691

Urteil des LG Köln vom 05.07.2001 mit Anmerkung Dr. Ekey/Steinweg ("Judgment of the Regional Court Cologne of July 5, 2001 with comment from Dr. Ekey / Steinweg.")

FAZ vom 17.12.1999

"Vom flüchtigen zum aufmerksamen Verbraucher" ("From the casual to the attentive consumer")

NZG Heft 10/1998, 377

Urteil des OLG Köln vom 15.11.1996 mit Anmerkung Dr. Ekey ("Judgment of the Cologne Higher Regional Court of November 15, 1996 with comment from Dr. Ekey")


We also offer our clients unbureaucratic and prompt solutions to international legal matters. This is made possible by our close ties with numerous attorneys, tax advi-sors and auditors worldwide. The law firms of Ars Legis International e.V. deserve special mention, as they all have at least one professional who is fluent in written and spoken German. In this way, our clients receive sound advice in German, even with regard to cross-border legal issues.


In addition to providing legal advice, we also make our knowledge of legal changes and developments in case law available via training courses and lectures.

As part of a course for Dutch and Belgian attorneys and in-house lawyers, Volker Ekey, attorney, taught the "Industrial Property Rights" module (patent law/utility model law, plant variety protection law, semiconductor protection law, design law, trade mark law, unfair competition law as well as the interaction of the fields of law, in particular trade mark law, design law, copyright law and unfair competition law, in practice according to German and European law).

The event was organised by the CPO Radboud University Nijmegen (Centre for Professional Legal Education), the DAV, the NOAB (Chamber of Dutch-speaking attorneys in Brussels), as well as the DAV Belgium and DAV Netherlands.

As part of a lecture event "Digitalisation | Human Resources | Data Protection", Volker Ekey, attorney, spoke on the topic of employee data protection, also in the context of the GDPR coming into force on 25/05/2018. The data protection requirements to be observed by the employer under the current Federal Data Protection Act were also discussed.

At the invitation of the Japan Trademark Association, Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey gave a lecture on German and European trade mark law on the premises of the Chamber of Commerce and Patent Attorneys in Tokyo, concluding with a discussion on current trends in trade mark law, such as the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union and the transposition of the Trade Mark Directive into national law. The lecture was held in English and subtitled in Japanese for improved comprehension in written form. After the end of the presentation, a lively exchange of experiences on the topics addressed followed, especially with regard to the differences between German and Japanese trade mark law.

At the event on the topic of "Effectively shaping digital transformation", Prof. Dr Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney, gave a presentation on the challenges posed by progressive digitalisation, particularly in the areas of production and supply chains, and for legal practice.

DACH Publication Series 46 publishes the lecture by Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney, on the topic "Implementation of a Compliance System under German Law", which was the subject of the 54th DACH Conference from 19 to 21 May 2016 in Barcelona on the topic "Compliance - Challenge or a matter of fact?"

As part of the event on the topic of "The Transfer of Businesses in Practice", Manuel Jansen, attorney, gave a presentation on the challenges and structuring options that result from business transfers and business succession.

23.10.2014: Aspects of successful distribution organisations from a legal perspective (Cologne)
At an entrepreneurial event on the topic of distribution management in the company, Volker Ekey, attorney, presented various distribution options (franchise, commercial agent, selective distribution system) and their respective advantages and disadvantages, while also taking antitrust regulations into consideration.

05.06.2014: Cooperation between companies in IT purchasing (Cologne)
Together with the management consultancy Licetus GmbH & Co. KG we hosted the lecture event "Cooperation between Companies in IT Purchasing" on 05/06/2014 at the Dorint Hotel in Cologne. With representatives of IT purchasing departments from companies, banks and insurance companies, we had a lively discussion about the possibilities of bundling purchasing interests for software from a business, organisational and legal perspective on the basis of the following presentations:
„Cooperation between companies, especially in procurement“
(Dirk Michael Ockel, Licetus GmbH & Co. KG)
„Legal possibilities of cross-company pooling of software licences with special consideration to used software“ (PDF)
(Manuel Jansen, attorney, Rechtsanwälte Prof. Dr. Ekey & Kollegen)
„Software Cooperation Scenarios and Prerequisites“
(Dirk Dannemann, Licetus GmbH & Co. KG)
„Purchasing pools from a corporate and antitrust law perspective“ (PDF)
(Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney, Rechtsanwälte Prof. Dr. Ekey & Kollegen)
„Instruments for pooling enterprise software“
(Dirk Michael Ockel, Licetus GmbH & Co. KG)

17.05.2014: Design and copyright protection for joinery productions (Gummersbach)
At the general meeting of the Association of the North Rhine-Westphalia Joinery Trade - which, by law, represents the interests of the approximately 4,000 small and medium-sized craft enterprises organised in 51 joiner's guilds - Volker Ekey, attorney, gave a lecture on the possibilities of legal protection for joiner's productions and for planning services provided. Volker Ekey, attorney, explained the main features of the various protection options (copyright, design law, German Unfair Competition Act, piracy of samples).

15.05.2014: Trade mark law in accordance with German law (Istanbul)
On the initiative of the Entrepreneurs' Association of the Turkish Textile Industry, Inönü University, the University of Commerce in Istanbul and the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg organised a scientific symposium on 15 May 2014 at the Çıra?an Palace in Istanbul, which was attended, among others, by Turkish and German scientists as well as judges from the Turkish Court of Appeal in Ankara and the Federal Patent Court in Munich. This symposium dealt with current developments in Turkish and German trade mark law as well as current developments in Turkish and German corporate group law. Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney, gave a presentation on the topic of "Particularities of trade mark disputes in accordance with German law".

18./19.03.2014: Industrial Property Law (Brussels)
Within the framework of the Course of study of the legal system of Germany organised by the Brussels Bar Association and the German Bar Association on 18-19/03/2014 in Brussels, Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney assumed the Intellectual and Industrial Property Law module.

21.11.2013: Protection against the theft of ideas (IHK Cologne)
The Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) promoted the successful information event on its premises on 21/11/2013 entitled "Protection against theft of ideas", which provided information on the basic principles of trade mark law. Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, Manuel Jansen and Volker Ekey gave lectures on the following topics:
Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney: National Trade Mark Law (PDF)
Manuel Jansen, attorney: International trade mark law (PDF)
Volker Ekey, attorney: Trade mark infringement proceedings (PDF)

17.10.2013: Optimisation of trade marks and distinctive signs from a legal perspective (Cologne)
At the business event on the topic of "Trade marks and brands in business practice", Prof. Dr Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney gave a lecture on the possibilities of optimising trade marks and brands from a legal perspective. In doing so, he placed particular emphasis on ensuring sufficient protective scope for signs already at the trade mark registration stage. The entrepreneur should also adequately protect their trade mark rights in legal transactions, e.g. with adequately drafted licence agreements.

12.07.2011: Introduction to the Legal Foundations of Modern Compliance (Cologne)
In the context of a business event on the topic of compliance in companies, Prof. Dr Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney presented the legal foundations and requirements of modern compliance.

23.04.2010: What options does the law offer for improving corporate liquidity (Cologne)
At the entrepreneurs' event on the topic of "Correct and effective management of entrepreneurial risks", Prof. Dr Friedrich L. Ekey, presented various options that the law offers for improving corporate liquidity.

24.10.2008: The new law on limited liability companies (Cologne)
At the event on the topic of "Correct and effective management of entrepreneurial risks", Manuel Jansen, attorney, gave a lecture on the legal changes to the law on limited liability companies and its requirements.

23.06.2005: The German Unfair Competition Act and profit skimming entitlement (Cologne)
On 23rd June 2005, on the occasion of a presentation of the second edition of the "Heidelberg Commentary on Competition Law”, Prof. Dr. Ekey gave a lecture about the new Law Against Unfair Competition and the right to levy profits according to paragraph 10 of the Law Against Unfair Competition. The lecture took place at the plenary chamber of the Higher Regional Court in Cologne and upon an invitation of Johannes Riedel, the president of the County Court of Appeal. Afterwards, Dr. Christian Winternitz, a lawyer from Vienna, talked about the European Union directive to the law regarding unfair competition.

10.09.2004: Reform of the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) and the Attorneys' Fees Act (Cologne)
On 10th September 2004, as part of an event organised by Deutsche Telecom AG, Prof. Dr. Ekey reported on the impact of the reform of the Code of Civil Procedure of 1st January 2002 and the Law of Modernisation of the Legal System. This was followed by a lecture by Manuel Jansen about the newly introduced Law of Remuneration of Lawyers.

13.05.2003: Recent case law with regard to the German Trade Mark Act (Hamburg)
On 13th May 2003, Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey alongside with Achim Bender, judge at the Federal Patent Court (topic: The Community Trademark Jurisdiction of the European Court and of the Complaint Chambers of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market) gave a talk about recent jurisdiction for the German Trademark Law at the specialised bookstore Mauke in Hamburg. Both contributors also attended similar events shortly afterwards in Stuttgart and Berlin.

08.05.2003: Presentation of the Heidelberg Commentary on Trade Mark Law (Cologne)
On 8th May 2003, a presentation took place at the plenary chamber of the Higher Regional Court of Cologne, introducing the "Heidelberg Commentary on Trademark Law”, edited by Ekey and Klippel and published by C.F. Müller publishing company. The agenda included:
Welcoming by the President of the Higher Regional Court of Cologne, Dr. Armin Lünterbusch)
Introduction to "Practical Aspects of the Trademark Law Torn Between the European Community Trademark and Domestic Brands” (Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, lawyer and lecturer at Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln)
The community trademark as an independent European Protective Right within the jurisdiction of the European Court and complaint chambers of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Achim Bender, judge at the Federal Patent Court, OHIM (Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market), Alicante)
Important issues of the Trademark Law in the Benelux countries (lawyer Rutger Abeln, Amsterdam)
Important issues of the French Trademark Law (lawyer Dr. Brigitte Victor-Granzer, Paris)
Important issues of the Italian Trademark Law (lawyer Dr. Pierre-Roger Preussler, Meran).

20.11.2002: Unlawful advertising restrictions for veterinarians (Cologne)
On the topic "Unlawful advertising restrictions for veterinarians - What is permitted, what is prohibited? - as well as a discussion regarding the Federal Constitutional Court decision of 18/02/2002, WRP 2002, p. 521 et seq., Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, gave a lecture on 20/11/2002 at the Veterinary Association - Cologne District Office.

14.03.2002: Modernisation of the Law of Obligation (Cologne)

On 14th March 2002, our law firm organised and held a seminar about the modernisation of the Law of Obligation. This event attracted a keen interest.

May we point out that we kept this presentation form and did not include any academic references and that the presentation often varied from the written text.

The General Disturbance in Performance Law
(Lawyer Nina Steinweg)

The new Purchase, Contract of Services and Limitation Laws
(Lawyer Franziska Kramer)

The revised version of the General Terms and Conditions Law
(Lawyer Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey)

The effect of the reform of the Law of Obligations on Labour Law
(Lawyer Petra Schlieper-Kurre, Fachanwältin für Arbeitsrecht)


We have been inviting entrepreneurs and advisors to the Rhineland Entrepreneur Day since 2008. The programme deals with national and international economic topics.

"The current reform of occupational pension schemes"
Prof. Dr. iur. Dres. iur. h.c. Hanau, University of Cologne

"Employee data protection - New legal provisions and their effects on corporate practice"
Volker Ekey, attorney, Prof. Dr. Ekey & Kollegen, attorneys

"Data security in the company - operational risk management and implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation"
Dirk Michael Ockel, Partner, Operational Risk, and Stefan Buchholz, Director, Cyber Risk Services, Deloitte GmbH Auditing Company

"Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 - Threat or Opportunity for the (New) Working World?"
Rolf Friedrich, Executive Director and Member of the Kienbaum Consultants International GmbH Executive Board

"Shaping the digital transformation effectively"
Rolf Friedrich, Senior Director and Member of the Kienbaum Consultants International GmbH Executive Board

"The Challenges posed to Legal Practice by Digitalisation"
Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney, Prof. Dr. Ekey & Kollegen

"Tax challenges arising from digitalisation"
Michael Rudnik, Managing Partner of RCR Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH

"Data analytics in focus - from marketing to corporate strategy"
Anna Schulte, Online Marketing Manager at Off Price GmbH

"Successfully implementing digital business models: experiences gained in practice"
Philipp Depiereux, Founder & Managing Director of etventure GmbH

"Company succession in business practice"
Rolf Friedrich, Director and Member of the Kienbaum Management Consultants GmbH Executive Board

"Business transfer and succession from a legal perspective"
Manuel Jansen, attorney, Prof. Dr. Ekey & Kollegen, attorneys

"Business transfer and succession from a tax perspective"
Michael Rudnik, Managing Partner of RCR Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH

"Professional and leadership requirements for potential successors"
Dirk Seiferth, Partner and Member of the Kienbaum Management Consultants GmbH Executive Board

"Prerequisites for an effective and efficient distribution management"
Rolf Friedrich, Director and Member of the Kienbaum Management Consultants GmbH Executive Board

"Aspects of successful distribution organisations from a legal perspective"
Volker Ekey, attorney, Prof. Dr. Ekey & Kollegen, attorneys

"Tax aspects when setting transfer prices in distribution"
Michael Rudnik, Managing Partner of RCR Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH

"Compliance, a partner for distribution"
Dr Ralf Schneider, Compliance Officer at Telekom Deutschland GmbH

"The creation of a brand using practical examples in the context of a creative lecture"
Kai Danneberg, Managing Partner of rheinfaktor - Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH

"Company employees as brand ambassadors"
Rolf Friedrich, Managing Director of Kienbaum Communications GmbH & Co. KG

"Some considerations on the optimisation of trade marks and distinctive signs from a legal perspective"
Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney, Prof. Dr. Ekey & Kollegen, attorneys

"Brand valuation"
Amelie Schulan, tax consultant and manager/authorised signatory of Pricewaterhouse-Coopers AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

"Introduction to the Legal Foundations of Modern Compliance"
Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney, Prof. Dr. Ekey & Kollegen, attorneys

"The process organisation of compliance in the company"
Rolf Friedrich, Kienbaum Management Consultants GmbH

"Compliance in a large company"
Dr Ralf Schneider, Compliance Officer at Telekom Deutschland GmbH

"The need for data protection - not only in large companies"
Birthe Görtz, auditor and partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

"Anticipation of liquidity risks via a company's strategic success potentials and their implementation"
Rolf Friedrich, Partner at malık Management Zentrum St. Gallen AG

"What options does the law offer for improving corporate liquidity?"
Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney, Prof. Dr. Ekey & Kollegen, attorneys

"Liquidity reserves as a crisis strategy: We ask and answer all the relevant questions relating to liquidity risk management, including those relating to a liquidity reserve"
Certified Business Graduate Thomas Schräder, Partner/Corporate Treasury Solutions Business Unit, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

"Viable financing solutions in a difficult environment"
Certified Economist Andreas Rams, Senior Manager/Corporate Finance Business Unit, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

"The new law on limited liability companies"
Manuel Jansen, attorney, Prof. Dr. Ekey & Kollegen, attorneys

"When are managers personally liable?"
Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey, attorney, Prof. Dr. Ekey & Kollegen, attorneys

"Correct and good management - Corporate governance in the 21st century"
Rolf Friedrich, Partner at malik management zentrum St.Gallen AG

"Effects of management quality on company ratings"
Sebastian Prinz von Schoenaich-Carolath, Chairman of the Board, Kölner Bank eG

"D&O Insurance - Fashion trend or existential protection?"
Burkhard Krüger, R+V Versicherung AG


© 2020 Ekey. Rechtsanwälte für Wirtschaftsrecht

Worringer Str. 25
50668 Köln

Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey
Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey: Leidenschaft für das Segeln

Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey

Areas of Law

  • General commercial law
  • Commercial and corporate law
  • Labour law
  • Intellectual property law (trade mark law, competition law)
  • Compliance
  • Antitrust law

Other Activities

  • Compliance Officer in a German mechanical engineering company
  • Supervisory Board
  • Professor of Business Law at the RFH – University of Applied Science Cologne
  • Founder and co-organiser of the Rheinischer Unternehmertag (Rhineland Entrepreneur Day)
  • Vice-Chairman of the Board of ARS LEGIS INTERNATIONAL e.V., an international association of attorneys, patent attorneys, tax advisors and auditors
  • Member of DACH e.V., a European association of attorneys
  • Member of the Cologne Bar Association
  • Member of the GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)


  • Co-editor of the Heidelberg Commentary on Trade Mark Law, C.F. Müller Verlag, 4th edition, 2020
  • Co-editor of the publication, „Das Recht der Kapitalgesellschaften in Europa – 20 Staaten im Überblick“ (Corporate Law in Europe – 20 States at a Glance), Economica Verlag, Heidelberg 2007
  • Commentary on §§ 4, 13-14a, 140-155 MarkenG and an Introduction to the History of Trade Mark Law, Heidelberg Commentary on Trade Mark Law, C.F. Müller Verlag, 4th edition, 2020
  • Co-editor of the Heidelberg Commentary on Competition Law, C.F. Müller Verlag, 2nd edition, 2005
  • Commentary on §§ 5, 10-16 UWG (German Unfair Competition Act), Heidelberg Commentary on Competition Law, C.F. Müller Verlag, 2nd Edition, 2005
  • Author of the Fundamentals of Competition and Antitrust Law with essential elements of Trade Mark, Domain and Telecommunications Law, C.F. Müller Verlag, 5th Edition 2016
  • DACH Publication Series 46 06/2016 „Implementierung eines Compliance Systems in einem KMU nach deutschem Recht“ (Implementation of a Compliance System in an SME in accordance with German law)
  • MarkenR (Journal) Issue 03/2013, 93, „Verwendung v. fremden Marken als Schlüssel f. Suchmaschinenwerbung“ (Use of other’s trade marks as a key to search engine advertising)
  • DACH Publication Series 37 11/2011, „Gewerbliche Schutzrechte“ (Intellectual Property Rights)
  • MarkenR (Journal) Issue 10/2009, 475 „Der markrechtliche Gebrauch im Spannungsfeld der Rechtsprechung des EuGH nach L’Oréal“ (Use under trade mark law in the conflict area of the ECJ’s case law pursuant to L’Oréal)
  • Deutsches Steuerrecht (Journal „German Tax Law“) Issue 02/2007, 87 „Zur Haftung des Treuhänders von Kapitalanlegern als vollmachtloser Vertreter in sog. Altfällen.“ (On the capital investor’s trustee liability as a representative without power of attorney in so-called old cases)
  • MMR Issue 10/2002, 691, Judgement of the Cologne Regional Court dated 05/07/2001 with comments from Dr. Ekey/Steinweg
  • FAZ 17/12/1999, „Vom flüchtigen zum aufmerksamen Verbraucher“ (From a transient to an attentive consumer)
  • Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht („New Journal for Corporate Law“), NZG Issue 10/1998, 377, Judgement of the Cologne Higher Regional Court dated 15/11/1996 with comments from Dr. Ekey


  • Studied philosophy and law at the University of Cologne
  • Doctorate under Prof. Dr. Karl Heinrich Friauf, Director of the Institute for Constitutional Law at the University of Cologne with a thesis on Property Law
  • Legal clerkship at the Cologne Higher Regional Court
  • Admission to the bar at the Regional Court (separate certification applicable at the time)
  • Foundation of the law firm Dr. Ekey & Kollegen in 1986
  • Admission to the bar at the Cologne Higher Regional Court (separate certification applicable at the time)


  • Lecture at the Chamber of Commerce and Patent Attorneys in Tokyo on the topic „German and European Trade Mark Law“
  • Lecture at the Rheinischer Unternehmertag (Rhineland Entrepreneur Day) on the topic „Purchasing pools from a company and antitrust law perspective“
  • Lecture at the Rheinischer Unternehmertag (Rhineland Entrepreneur Day) on the topic „When are managers personally liable?“
  • Lecture at the Rheinischer Unternehmertag (Rhineland Entrepreneur Day) on the topic „Introduction to the Legal Foundations of Modern Compliance“
  • Presentation at a symposium of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg and the University of Commerce in Istanbul, on the topic „The Particularities of Trade Mark Disputes according to German Law“
  • Lecture at the Rheinischer Unternehmertag (Rhineland Entrepreneur Day) on the topic „The Challenges posed to Legal Practice by Digitalisation“
  • Lecturer at a training course organised by the Brussels Bar Association and the German in Brussels Course of study of the legal system of Germany, Industrial Property Law module
  • Lecture at the Rheinischer Unternehmertag (Rhineland Entrepreneur Day) on the topic „Some considerations on the optimisation of trade marks and distinctive signs from a legal perspective“
  • Lecture to the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Protection against the theft of ideas, „National trade mark law“
  • Lecture at the Cologne Higher Regional Court on „The new German Unfair Competition Act and the entitlement to profit skimming pursuant to Section 10 of the German Unfair Competition Act“
  • Lecture at the Cologne Higher Regional Court on „Trade mark practice in the conflict area between European Community trade marks and national trade marks“
  • Scientific management of the thematic area „Trade Mark Law“ at the European Congress of Business Lawyers
  • Lecture at the Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons – Cologne District Office on the subject of „Unlawful advertising restrictions for veterinarians – What is permitted, what is prohibited? – as well as a discussion regarding the Federal Constitutional Court ruling dated 18/02/2002, WRP 2002, p. 521 et seq.“
Rechtsanwalt Manuel Jansen
Rechtsanwalt Manuel Jansen: Leidenschaft für Digitales

Manuel Jansen

Certified lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Areas of Law

  • Commercial and corporate law
  • IT and telecommunications law
  • Labour law
  • Intellectual property law (trade mark law, competition law, design and patent law)
  • Inheritance law
  • Insolvency law
  • Travel law


  • Commentary on §§ 9, 16-19d, 97-106 MarkenG (Confusing facts, claims to information and the provisions on collective marks), Heidelberger Commentary on Trade Mark Law, 4th edition, 2020
  • Chapter Domain Law and Telecommunications Law in the Fundamentals of Competition and Antitrust Law with essential elements of Trade Mark, Domain and Telecommunications Law, C.F. Müller Verlag, 5th Edition 2016
  • Co-author of the Heidelberg Commentary on the Unfair Competition Act, 2nd Edition, 2005
  • „Rechtliche Aspekte bei der Nutzung von Persicope und Twitter“ (Legal aspects of the use of Periscope and Twitter) in the book „Livestreaming mit Persicope und Twitter“ (Livestreaming with Persicope and Twitter) published by mitp-Verlag
  • „Rechtliche Fragen beim 3D-Druck“ (Legal Issues in 3D Printing) in the book „3D-Druck – Praxisbuch für Einsteiger“ (3D Printing – Practice Book for Beginners) published by mitp-Verlag


  • Law studies at the University of Cologne
  • Legal clerkship at the Cologne Higher Regional Court
  • Employed at the law firm Rechtsanwälte Bolz & Kollegen, Cologne
  • Employed at the law firm Rechtsanwälte Scheffen, Brüning, Werner, Cologne
  • Admission to the bar in 2002
  • Attorney at the law firm Harnischmacher, Löer, Wensing, Münster
  • Joined Ekey Rechtsanwälte in 2002
  • Graduate specialist lawyer course in tax law


  • Lecture „Business transfer and succession from a legal perspective“ at the Rheinischer Unternehmertag 2015 (Rhineland Entrepreneur Day)
  • Lecture „Legal possibilities of cross-company pooling of software licences with special reference to used software“, Dorint-Hotel, 2014
  • „International Trade Mark Law“ as part of the event „Protection against the Theft of Ideas“ at the Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2013
  • Lecture on copyright law at the Technologiezentrum Jülich Projektgesellschaft mbH (Jülich Technology Centre)
  • Lecture „The new law on limited liability companies“ at the Rheinischer Unternehmertag (Rhineland Entrepreneur Day) 2008
  • Lecture on trade mark law at the European Congress of Business Lawyers from 18-22/06/2007
  • Lecture on the new RVG (Law on the remuneration of attorneys) at Deutsche Telekom AG in 2003
Rechtsanwalt Volker Ekey
Rechtsanwalt Volker Ekey: Leidenschaft für das Surfen

Volker Ekey

Certified lawyer for labour and employment law
Certified lawyer for intellectual property law

Areas of Law

  • Labour and employment law
  • Commercial and corporate law
  • Intellectual property law (trade mark law, competition law, design law, copyright law, patent law)
  • Distribution and franchise law / antitrust law
  • Commercial tenancy law
  • Data protection law
  • Contract law / licensing law

Other Activities

  • Member of the Supervisory Board of a medium-sized e-commerce company
  • Lecturer for Competition and Antitrust Law at the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln (Cologne University of Applied Sciences)
  • Member of the GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
  • Member of the AIPPI, Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
  • Member of the DVNW (German Public Procurement Network)


  • Commentary on Sections 20, 21, 23, 24 MarkenG, Heidelberger
  • Commentary on Trade Mark Law, 4th edition, 2020
  • Commentary on the certification mark, §§ 106 a- h MarkenG, Heidelberger Commentary on Trade Mark Law, 4th edition, 2020
  • National contribution to trade mark law in England and Wales, Heidelberg Commentary on Trade Mark Law, 4th edition, 2020
  • Co-author of the Fundamentals of Competition and Antitrust Law with essential elements of Trade Mark, Domain and Telecommunications Law, C.F. Müller Verlag, 5th Edition 2016
  • Article „Schutz von Produktbildern auf Amazon“ (Protecting product images on Amazon) on


  • Studied law at the Universities of Würzburg and Cologne
  • Traineeship at the Hamm Higher Regional Court
  • Employed in a medium-sized English law firm
  • Employed in the legal department of an insurance group
  • Joined Ekey Rechtsanwälte in 2007
  • Awarded title of specialist lawyer for commercial legal protection
  • Awarded title of specialist lawyer for labour and employment law


  • „New developments in labor law, NachwG 2022“ (B7 Campus & Innovation Hub Bergisches RheinLand)
  • „Customs seizure, attack & defense for retailers and brands” (Expert talk, Live-Stream at
  • „Corona – What Businesses Need to Know Now” (Webinar at WECON Business Network)
  • „Labour Law and Short-Time Work in Times of Corona“ (Webinar at
  • „Intellectual Property Law in Germany“ (advanced training course at the Belgian Bar Association in cooperation with the DAV and the Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • „Employee data protection – New legal provisions and their effects on corporate practice“ (Lecture at the Rheinischer Unternehmertag („Rhineland Entrepreneur Day“)
  • „Design and copyright protection for joinery productions“ (Lecture at the Association of Joiners North Rhine-Westphalia/Members Assembly)
  • „Aspects of successful distribution organisations from a legal perspective“ (Lecture at the Rheinischer Unternehmertag „Rhineland Entrepreneur Day“)
  • „Protection against the theft of ideas / Trade mark infringement proceedings“ (lecture at the Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Rechtsanwalt Ludwig Weber
Rechtsanwalt Ludwig Weber: Leidenschaft für Architektur

Ludwig Weber

Areas of Law

  • Tenancy law (commercial and residential tenancy law)
  • Property law
  • Residential property law
  • Construction law
  • Sales law
  • Work and services contract law
  • Civil law


  • Law studies at the University of Cologne
  • Legal clerkship at the Cologne Higher Regional Court
  • Judge at the Cologne District Regional Court
  • Attorney and in-house lawyer in a supra-regional energy supply company
  • Joined Ekey Rechtsanwälte

Commercial and corporate law

As a law firm specialising in commercial law, commercial and corporate law is one of our central consulting areas. Among other things, our agenda not only includes assisting our clients in the areas of purchasing and sales/distribution, but also providing consulting services in the area of partnerships as well as corporations.

Key areas

  • Setting up a company
  • Choice of company structure
  • Customised drafting of articles of association
  • Consulting services for majority and minority shareholders
  • Preparation and attendance of shareholders‘ meetings
  • Shareholder disputes, in particular, actions for rescission, interim relief
  • Enforcement of shareholder rights
  • Restructuring
  • Company acquisitions (asset and share deals)
  • Corporate succession
  • Change of legal form
  • Management consulting (rights and duties)
  • Social security obligations for executive bodies
  • Consulting in connection with Managing Director employment contracts
  • Drafting of Managing Director employment contracts
  • Consulting in the area of purchasing and sales / commercial law
  • Commercial agency law
  • Commission business

Labour law

We offer consulting services in the areas of individual and collective labour law. In this context, we do not just represent employers, but also employees.

Key areas

  • Labour and social law
  • Drafting of employment contracts
  • Company agreements
  • Short-time work
  • Warning notices
  • Termination of employment relationships
  • Transfer companies  
  • Drawing up social compensation plans and reconciliation of interests
  • Works Council
  • Termination without notice
  • Ordinary terminations
  • Actions against unfair dismissals
  • Working hours / recording working time
  • Overtime
  • Holiday entitlements, in particular, holiday compensation
  • Maternity leave
  • Parental leave
  • Consulting in the field of AGG (General Equal Treatment Act)
  • Mobbing
  • Employee data protection

Trade mark law

Trade mark law is one of our core disciplines. Our main emphasis is to provide a comprehensive and holistic perspective and consulting services.

Key topics

  • The structured development and support of a national and global trade mark portfolio, own-brand strategy
  • Trade mark registrations in Germany and internationally (EU and worldwide)
  • Trade mark searches
  • Trade mark opposition proceedings
  • Trade mark cancellation proceedings
  • Trade mark warning notices
  • Trade mark litigation / infringement proceedings
  • Defence against trade mark warning notices
  • Objections to trade marks (forfeiture, exhaustion, rights to a name, descriptive indications)
  • Trade mark licences
  • Corporate symbol law
  • Naming law
  • Domain law

Distribution and franchise law

Our commercial law consulting services include the establishment and support of distribution and distribution systems.

Key areas

  • Choice of distribution system (e.g. commercial agent, franchise, distributors, selective distribution)
  • Franchise system establishment
  • Preparation of franchise agreements, pre-contractual clarification, etc.
  • Franchise system disputes
  • Establishment and support of a commercial agency system
  • Preparation of agency agreements
  • Termination of commercial agents
  • Commercial agent compensation claims disputes
  • Purchasing and sales advice
  • Establishment and support of an exclusive distribution system (vertical distribution)
  • Observance of special antitrust law particularities

Competition and antitrust law

Competition law consulting not only plays an important role in advertising law and product labelling. In addition to manufacturers and stationary trade, we also advise many e-commerce companies in the scope of the German Unfair Competition Act. The subject of antitrust law also accompanies our advice across many aspects of entrepreneurial activity.

Key topics

  • Unfair competition warning notices
  • Defending and enforcing rights when trading on Amazon, eBay, etc.
  • Slander and disparagement by competitors
  • Product counterfeiting
  • Targeted obstruction by competitors
  • Poaching employees or customers, inducing a breach of contract
  • Aggressive advertising
  • Advertising featuring competitions, prize draws
  • Misleading advertising
  • Comparative advertising
  • Unreasonable harassment, newsletters, cold calls
  • Consulting on marketing measures
  • Consulting on influencer marketing
  • Product presentation and product labelling consulting
  • Consulting on vertical distribution, prohibition of internet distribution, prohibition of passive sales
  • Protection from abusive behaviour
  • Consulting in the field of market-dominant companies

Civil and contract law

General civil law is an essential component of commercial law consulting. 

Key topics

  • Sales law, purchasing and selling products
  • Warranty, withdrawal, reduction, damages
  • UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
  • Incoterms
  • Work and services contract law
  • Licensing contract law
  • Travel law
  • Service contracts
  • Service contract disruptions  
  • Ownership and possession rights
  • Management without a mandate
  • Enrichment law, compensation claims
  • Tort law

Tenancy and property law

We offer consulting in the field of tenancy and property law including commercial and residential tenancy law, building law and WEG law ‚Residential property law‘.

Key topics

  • Commercial tenancy law consulting
  • Preparation of commercial tenancy agreements and addenda
  • Tenancy agreement disputes
  • Reduction of rent, damages
  • Early termination of fixed-term commercial leases
  • Termination with and without notice
  • Enforcement of eviction claims
  • Property development
  • Residential tenancy law
  • Construction law
  • Residential property law

Patent, design and copyright law

Comprehensive consulting in the field of protecting companies‘ services and performance results represents a diverse and exciting challenge.

Key areas

  • Protecting inventions in the field of technology
  • Patent registrations
  • Patent disputes
  • Protection of product designs and product packaging
  • Protection from counterfeiting
  • Protection of aesthetic qualities
  • Design protection
  • Design applications
  • Protection under copyright law
  • Warning notices
  • Licence agreements

IT and telecommunications law

The IT and telecommunications industry is a constantly growing sector.

Key topics

  • Contract drafting for telecommunication services
  • Judicial enforcement of claims arising from telecommunications contracts
  • Conciliation procedures, e.g. at the DGRI conciliation board
  • Software development contracts
  • Legal support for webshops and websites
  • Distance selling issues
  • Domain disputes

Insolvency law

Dealing with insolvency law cases is an important component of commercial law advice. 

Key areas

  • Insolvency circumstances (over-indebtedness/illiquidity/impending insolvency)
  • Obligations to file for insolvency proceedings
  • Application deadlines
  • Consultation to executive bodies
  • Insolvency administrator challenges
  • Disputed facts
  • Contestation deadlines
  • Separation and segregation rights
  • Security rights
  • Filing of insolvency table claims
  • Disputes with the insolvency administrator
  • Dealing with struggling customers or suppliers
  • Everyday cash transactions

Inheritance law

Inheritance law represents an important intersection with commercial law. Therefore, aspects of inheritance law often have to be taken into account when consulting in the area of commercial law.

Important topics

  • Drafting wills
  • Drafting inheritance contracts
  • Corporate succession
  • Anticipated succession, for example by establishing family companies or drafting transfer agreements
  • Applying for certificates of inheritance, especially in contentious cases
  • Limitation of liability with regard to heirs
  • Enforcement and defence of claims arising from legacies
  • Enforcement and defence of claims for supplements to compulsory portions
  • Disputes between heirs
  • Assisting communities of heirs

Data protection law

The challenges of data protection law (GDPR/Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG)) require consulting services for entrepreneurs and companies covering a wide range of areas.

Important topics

  • Personal data processing
  • Employee data protection
  • Advertising and data protection (marketing, newsletter, targeting, etc.)
  • Logging processing activities
  • Commissioned data processing
  • Contracts of commissioned data processing
  • Joint responsibility
  • Contracts governing the rights and obligations of joint controllers
  • Standard contractual clauses
  • Technical and organisational measures
  • Data security
  • Disclosure obligations
Ekey. Rechtsanwälte für Wirtschaftsrecht

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Data Protection Officer

Prof. Dr. Friedrich L. Ekey
Manuel Jansen
Volker Ekey

Ekey. Rechtsanwälte für Wirtschaftsrecht


The providers of these Internet pages are

Ekey. Rechtsanwälte für Wirtschaftsrecht


Worringer Str. 25
D-50668 Köln

Tel +49-221-16 03 00
Fax +49-221-1 39 20 80


UStI-Nr.: DE 122 757 416


At the law firm Prof. Dr. Ekey & colleagues working lawyers are members of the 
Bar Association for the Cologne Higher Regional Court
Riehler Str. 30
50668 Köln
Tel +49-221-97 30 10-0
Fax +49-221-97 30 10-50


The professional title of lawyer was given to the lawyers of the law firm Prof. Dr. Ekey & colleagues awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany. They are subject to the provisions of

  • Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO),
  • Berufsordnung der Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer (BORA),
  • Bundesrechtsanwaltsgebührenordnung (BRAGO) und der
  • Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Union

The texts in the currently valid versions are available on the Professional Law page of the Federal Bar Association (



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